Stitching Together

 BFC 2022 StitchingTogether Logo 01photo 1








Sewing, sharing and learning together.

We are a sewing project that aims to help stitch Bristol together by providing creative and welcoming spaces for people to make beautiful and useful things together! 

Stitching Together is a safe space where women can come together free of the everyday worries, to create their own textile based art, clothes and homewares, gain confidence and make friends.

We offer a range of sewing opportunities from hand-sewing and embroidery to dressmaking. We are currently running a beginners level and intermediate level sewing class for refugee and asylum seeking women at Easton Family Centre on Saturdays, and a weekly hand-sewing class at our partner organisation Borderlands on Wednesdays. We also offer a drop in sewing social at Bristol Beacon on a monthly basis.

Are you creative, friendly & enthusiastic about sewing? If you are local to Bristol and would like to become a Stitching Together volunteer, please get in touch and come sew with us. You do not need to be an expert seamstress or teacher. We need volunteers for Saturdays and weekdays.

We take donations! We always need fabric and are happy to take your unused sewing supplies and sewing machines, they will be made good use of. 

To find out more, please email our project managers:  or